Email encryption with GPG

Looking for the quickest route to encryption in Thunderbird? You might skip to Section 4. The rest of it covers generating, managing and using GPG keypairs in Linux.

1. Introduction

This tutorial aims at showcasing how easy it is to fully encrypt emails at a military-grade security level, provided the secret encryption keys do not fall into the hands of any eavesdropper.

The PGP encryption standard, among other things, allows for asymmetric cryptography, the details of which I won't be covering here. The basic idea is that each person taking part in the conversation has two keys: a public key that can be freely distributed to anyone and a private (also named secret) key which should never see the sun or transit through the internet.

If Alice wants to email Bob, she will use Bob's public key to encrypt the content of the email and then she can send it over a network (that could be listened to by an evil eavesdropper) to Bob, which will then in turn decode the email using his private key. The private key is the only computationally feasible way of decoding the message (at least with present day computing, assuming that the key pair is long enough).

2. Generating keys with GnuPG in Linux

If you are a Linux user, you can generate a pair of public-private keys by running the following command:

gpg --full-gen-key

The gpg program implements this PGP protocol in Linux. Once you execute the command, you will be prompted with which kind of key you want. The default encryption scheme is RSA, the first option. You will now select the keysize. I recommend the maximum allowed which is 4096. You can set an expiry date for your key, which I usually don't set. This is insecure if you lose it, but I'm very careful about where I place my private key.

After that you will be asked for a real name and an email address. Unless you publish your public key, this is of almost no consequence at all, you are not signing up to anything anywhere, but if you want to use this key for email encryption, you should put your email adress, as it is the basic identifier that the program gpg uses. The PGP standard allows for encrypting email as well as signing them so if you want to be serious about this use some identifiable name or alias. In this example I will be creating a GPG keypair for myself, Jesus, for use with my email adress

After that, you will be required to enter a passphrase. This passphrase, which you shouldn't forget or lose is used to lock your private key. Even if your private key will be sitting within your computer, everytime you use it you will be required to enter the passphrase (although there is some time after entering the passphrase in which it stays unlocked, for example if you want to decrypt several emails). You can also enter no passphrase at all, but then anyone with physical access to your computer will be able to decrypt anything encrypted with your public key.

Once that process is over, you can check that you have generated a public and a private key with corresponding commands gpg --list-public-keys and gpg --list-secret-keys.

3. Basic file encryption

If you just want to start encrypting mail, you may want to skip this section, although I consider it enlightening to see how to manually do things yourself.

Now that you have a keypair you can already start encrypting any kind of files you like. Let us say that you have some file personal_diary.txt that you would like encrypted. Then you can run, on the same directory where the file is stored,

gpg --encrypt --recipient personal_diary.txt 

Now you will notice the appeareance on the current directory of the file personal_diary.txt.gpg. Bear in mind that asymmetric algorithms are meant to be for exchanging information, so it makes sense that we consider Jesus (us) to be the recipient of the message. Only Jesus's secret key can decrypt the .gpg file. Let's prove it! Delete the original plaintext file rm personal_diary.txt and decrypt the cyphertext with

gpg --decrypt personal_diary.txt.gpg > decrypted_diary.txt

The gpg program detects that this file was meant for Jesus to receive, and it knows that we own the secret key associated with, so it uses it. Note the piping > for writing the output of the gpg program to the file where we store the decrypted text, decrypted_diary.txt.

4. Generating/importing your GPG keys to mail client

This section is about how you can generate or import cryptographic keys into your Thunderbird mail client. This works for Linux, Mac and Windows users, just that Linux users will be able to manually generate and use their GPG keys as explained above.

So let us set up our mail client to encrypt and decrypt mail with our newly acquired cryptographic skills. At this point, I am assuming that you use some sort of email client such as Thunderbird. I sincerely hope you do not access your mail through some webclient. I don't know if some webclients support PGP encryption, but I hope they don't (would you trust giving your private key to Gmail to keep it for you?).

Now, under Thunderbird you can actually generate or import an existing a keypair. You should look at the configuration options, more concretely Account settings. Under your personal account settings (we assume the account is you should see the End-To-End Encryption submenu, whithin which you can see a section called OpenPGP. It will tell you that Thunderbird doesn't have a personal OpenPGP key for

Now you can either:
  1. Generate a keypair: this is the option to go if you are a Windows or Mac user. You can probably generate keys manually as in Linux, but I don't know how. Here you can generate a public-private key without all the procedure described above. However, I do not know how Thunderbird stores these keys and I personally prefer to know exactly where they are, and to have at my disposal all the options that we had when we generated them manually.
  2. Import a secret key. To do so, you should run the following commands from the terminal to export the secret key to an standard text format
    gpg --export-secret-key --armor > jesus_secretkey.asc
    This creates an text file in ASCII characters containing you secret key. Now, go to Thunderbird back again and look for Account Setings > > End-To-End Encryption > Add key > Import an existing OpenPGP file. The process should be more or less straightforward. Tell Thunderbird to treat this as your personal key.
Make sure you tick on "Use this PGP key" before you exit the configuration.

5. Sending encrypted mail

Now that you have set up your secret key (and with it, the public key, actually) you can start encrypting mail. Imagine I want to send an encrypted mail to my friend John Doe. To do so, I need to have his public key. I can import it from an ASCII file like the one I generated above, after having kindly asked him to give it to me. To import it, you want to open the OpenPGP Key Manager (you can find it in the tool bar, under "Tools").

Once that is done, I can compose and encrypt an email (in this example I will be sending it to myself instead). I just need to tell Thunderbird to please encrypt it in the drop-down menu Security, and selecting Require Encryption. Thunderbird will not allow you to do this unless you have the recipient's public key. By default Thunderbird will also sign the message and attach your own public key, which is useful for the first communication.

If you are emulating me and sending an encrypted email to yourself, you can check that the email you receive is encrypted (and signed) by looking at the top right-corner (see image below). Clicking on the button will show you additional information.

Now this might seem a little tedious, and I've got great news for you. There are email clients that are way more customizable than Thunderbird. Personally, I use Neomutt, and encrypting is as easy as pressing the key "p" after composing the email body.

Other resources

For basic file encryption you can check this guide, but for more in-depth knowledge concerning subkeys and revocation certificates, you might want to check out Alex Cabal's page. You should definitely check the man page, of course man gpg.


Have you seen something inaccurate here? You can contact me at if you have seen an error or something that is straight up wrong. My public key can be found here if you want to test and encrypt your mail to me!